3.2 Edit Task Screen

Next up, we are going to create a screen that will allow a user to edit a task.

Step 1: New Screens

Before we move forward to adding new routes, let's quickly create 3 copies of our PendingTasksScreen component, and give them the following names:

  • CreateTaskScreen

  • EditTaskScreen

  • CompletedTasksScreen

So now we should have 4 screens in total.

Step 2: Adding Edit Route

Add the following EditTask route to the routes array:

routes: [{
	name: 'EditTask',
	screen: 'EditTaskScreen',
	path: 't/:taskId',
	exact: true,

	options: {
		title: 'Edit Task',
	name: 'TasksApp',
	screen: 'PendingTasksScreen',
	path: '',
	exact: false,

	options: {
		title: 'My Tasks',

This should create the second route, which should be accessible via the following URL:


Step 3: Create a Button to Navigate

But we still need a way to navigate to this route in our UI. Let's modify our PendingTasksScreen component to add a button:

import { Button, View } from '@bluebase/components';
import { useNavigation } from '@bluebase/core';
import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
import { Text } from 'react-native';

export const PendingTasksScreen = () => {
	const { push } = useNavigation();

	const goToEdit = useCallback(() => {
		push('EditTask', { taskId: '123' });
	}, []);

	return (
			<Button title="Go To Edit Screen" onPress={goToEdit} />

PendingTasksScreen.displayName = 'PendingTasksScreen';

Notice, that we use the push method from BlueBase's useNavigation hook. The method takes route name and optional params object as its arguments.

Run your app, you should now be able to navigate between routes.

Step 4: Extract Route Param

Notice that the value of path property in the route is :taskId. This means that any value that is entered in this part of the URL will be captured in the taskId param. For example the URL http://localhost:19006/p/tasks/123 will extract value 123 in the taskId variable.

Let's see how we can use this value, modify the EditTaskScreen component to match the following content:

import { useNavigation } from '@bluebase/core';
import React from 'react';
import { Text, View } from 'react-native';

export const EditTaskScreen = () => {
	const { getParam } = useNavigation();
	const taskId = getParam('taskId', null);

	return (
		<View style={{ padding: 10 }}>
			<Text>EditTaskScreen: {taskId}</Text>

EditTaskScreen.displayName = 'EditTaskScreen';

Notice the code on Line 7, we use the getParam function to extract the URL param.

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